Intellectual property right generally can be described as a collective right, as there are many rights included under IPR. They are considered as branches or division of this IP law. They are mentioned as follows.
1. Trademark
2. Copyright
3. Patent
4. Design
These are main divisions of this IP law but there are some other aspects included under this law. They are trade secrets, database rights, traditional knowledge, plant variety rights, semiconductor chip protection etc., But about these rights there is no appropriate procedure at present in India. Each of this division protects various aspects of intellectual property rights.
Trademark is the most popular right known among wide range of people throughout the world, as all business concern from a small company to giants in business want to protect their company name and logo. Even copyright has assumed such reputation now a days. But in case of patent and design registration common people in society are still not aware of this right, the students and technicians involved in research and development mainly protect their novelty through patent right. Design registration is protecting the visual appearance of the products designed by an author. It can be design of any products starting from a small plate to Huge Airplanes.
Every business person, artistic person, inventor ought to protect his right through IP. Where there is creativity and intelligence,there is Intellectual property, it starts with a basic idea of development to a great scientific invention. This is the only law which values one’s intellectual potentiality and by protecting such right one can monetize and achieve worldwide reputation.